Healthy workplaces

in production plants

High levels of particulate matter in production plants are a burden on the health of employees and can have serious consequences. The emissions released are also deposited on soils, machines and workpieces. This can lead to accidents, reduce the service life of machines and weaken the quality of the end products. Healthy workplaces and clean air quality keep your employees healthy until they retire, increase their performance and make your company attractive to applicants.

Air quality has an impact on health and well-being.

Workplaces must not impair the safety and health of employees. In Germany, there are therefore guidelines on indoor air pollution at workplaces. These are regulated in the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV) and are specified in the Technical Rules for Workplaces ASR 3.6 »Ventilation«. The general dust limit values (ASGW) can be taken from TRGS 900.

What is fine dust anyway?

Fine dust and insufficient air quality is not only a problem outdoors, but also in office or printer rooms and especially in warehouses and production halls. Dust is permanently released there due to heating and processing of materials or chemical reactions. Fine dusts are particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 micrometers (µm) that do not immediately sink to the ground and pass from the air into our respiratory tract. The smaller the particles, the deeper they can penetrate into the lungs and cause severe damage. Ultrafine PM1 particles (nanoparticles) are even so small that they can be deposited in the alveoli or even enter the bloodstream.

Healthy workplaces in production companies

Impact on health

Particulate matter leads to numerous health complaints such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and even lung cancer. By effectively filtering pollutants from the air, you comply with applicable workplace limits and invest in the long-term health of your employees. This reduces sick days and at the same time increases well-being, motivation and performance. A clean production hall not only impresses your customers, but also makes the decisive difference for new employees to choose your company.


headache, dizziness, nausea

Brain and nerves




Heart and circulation



Asthma, allergies, cancer

Healthy workplaces through clean air

Equipped with a HEPA H14 filter, our extraction products remove up to 99.995% of suspended minute particles such as fine dust, smoke, viruses or bacteria. This can significantly improve the air quality in industrial halls.

Our ways of living health and sustainability at WERK

Why are healthy workplaces so important to us?

When it comes to health and sustainability, we don’t limit ourselves to energy-saving extraction systems and good air quality. We want to offer our employees a long-term job that does not compete with their personal goals or family life. We are continuously working on our feel-good philosophy and, as a start-up, place great value on our team spirit and joint activities outside of the daily work routine.

For us, sustainability includes an environmentally conscious WERK routine as well as long-term relationships with our suppliers and service providers, whom we prefer to find in the region. Every ABSAUGWERK employee sees himself as part of a solidary society and a healthy environment. That’s why we get involved with donations or sponsoring for regional projects and associations that inspire us or are close to our hearts. As a start-up, we still have a lot of room to grow in every respect and, in addition to building ABSAUGWERK, we are also dedicated to building a regional NetzWERK.

Healthy environment

  • Energy saving exhaust systems
  • Less emissions in the air
  • Compliance with occupational exposure limits
  • Fewer occupational accidents & sickness absences
  • Conservation of resources & recycling
  • Job bikes & hybrid cars
  • Many small measures in everyday work

Healthy growth

  • Regional suppliers & service providers
  • Long-term partnerships
  • Quality management
  • Efficiency increase
  • Sustainable management
  • Donations & sponsoring

Healthy & happy employees

  • Appreciation & transparency
  • Health Promotion & prevention
  • Free organic fruit, osmosis water, nutritional supplements.
  • 28 days detox cure
  • Work-Life-Flow
  • Family-friendly corporate culture
  • Ergonomic workplaces
  • Company pension plan
  • 30 vacation days + special leave on certain occasions